Andy Reids Philadelphia-area home goes up for a sale, looks like a funhouse NBC Sports Philad

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. And those drapes with that wallpaper.

Former Philadelphia Eagles head coach Andy Reid finally put his Villanova home on the market, according to Liz Spikol for Philadelphia Magazine—and if you ask me, this thing is a real fixer-upper. 1215 Page Terrace looks like a well-maintained home from the outside, but on the inside, it’s… busy.

Wood-finished and white-pained cabinets in the same kitchen. Yellow carpeting with little stars in a room with white paneling and red paint. Brick-patterned wallpaper. Garish decorative tiling. A pink chandelier. And shelves. Shelves everywhere. Shelves as far as the eye can see.

I cannot stress enough, if you need a ton of shelf space, this is the place for you. Or, if you want to open a funhouse and charge random passerbys $5 per peek, this is a very good building to start—once a few things have been toned down a little, all it needs is a few funky mirrors.

The home is listed for the low, low price of $2.3 million, and after you’ve put roughly half that amount of money back into re-decorating practically every room, it’s undoubtedly going to be a great place to live.

>> Andy Reid's Main Line House Is for Sale [Philly Mag]
>> 1215 Page Terrace, Villanova, PA - For Sale

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