David Easons ex is asking for financial help to protect her son Kaden from the Eason family

David Eason may have welcomed Ensley Eason with his current wife Jenelle Evans, but he has another child from a previous relationship.

This child, a boy named Kaden, has never filmed Teen Mom 2 and his mother has never been on the show. But she’s speaking out because she needs help.

The mother, Olivia Leedham, has created a GoFundMe page, where she’s asking for financial contributions, so she can continue to fight for her son in the legal system.

Olivia’s mission is to protect her son Kaden from his father, David Eason. On Facebook, she shared a link to the GoFundMe page. She pointed out it has been a long hard road, and any help was extremely appreciated.

Olivia admitted that she had been in a custody battle for the past five years to protect her son from harm. She also said that she had spent nearly $50,000 on attorneys to keep the case open. She said her family is struggling to continue paying any more.

She also points out that she’s a single mother of two. While she gets along with her daughter’s father, she’s unable to get along with David.

Her family is unable to provide more money to protect her son. Since she’s paying for herself, two kids, daycare, and food on the table, she’s running out of options.

“I am finally reaching out for help. I am completely concerned for my son’s safety, physically and mentally. He is persistent on not going to his Dads and doesn’t even want to speak to him.  I am beyond worried,” she writes, adding, “I am sincerely concerned about my child being around someone who is extremely volatile. Domestic violence including 911 calls, animal cruelty in which case a dog was beaten and shot, and much more has all been mentioned to of happened at the Eason home.”

While she doesn’t mention him by his full name, she does write DE for David Eason. She explains that he’s married to Teen Mom star, JE – Jenelle Evans.

Olivia started the GoFundMe page yesterday around noon eastern time, and the campaign has already reached half of its goal.

The donors appear to be people who want justice for Nugget, the dog that David allegedly shot and killed.

Some of the names include “Nugget Eason,” the dog that was reportedly shot and killed by David. “Jenelle’s huge chin” and “Black River Metal and Wood” – the name of David’s new business – also made contributions to the campaign.

Teen Mom 2 premieres Tuesday, September 10 at 8/7c on MTV.
