The Meaning Behind The Song: Consider the Lilies by 2nd Chapter of Acts


I am listening to this beautiful song by 2nd Chapter of Acts called “Consider the Lilies” while reflecting on life’s ups and downs. The lyrics resonate deeply with me and remind me of the importance of finding hope and strength, even in the midst of difficult times. Let’s explore the meaning behind this powerful song.

Table of Contents

The Lyrics

It seems like forever
When you’re on the downside
It seems no one’s with you
Walking stride for stride
You feel through the hard times
You’re always alone
And you feel that there is nothing
You can call your own

These opening lines capture the feelings of despair and solitude that we often experience when life gets tough. We may feel like nobody understands our struggles, and it seems like there is no light at the end of the tunnel. It is during these moments of darkness that we need to remember to look to Jesus for guidance and support.

Look look upon Jesus
Look upon him
And consider the lilies
That bloom from within

The chorus of the song encourages us to shift our focus from our troubles to Jesus and to consider the lilies. Just like the lilies bloom with hope and faith, we are reminded that we too can find strength and joy in Him. The lilies serve as a powerful symbol of resilience and divine provision.

They’re arrayed with hope
That gives them faith to bloom just for a day
And while they grow
They know they show his heart in their display

The second verse speaks directly about the lilies and their incredible ability to bloom for a day, knowing that their beauty reflects the heart of God. This imagery reminds us to embrace each day and find solace in knowing that our own lives can be a testament to God’s love and faithfulness.

The Album

The song “Consider the Lilies” is featured on the album titled “Night Light,” released by 2nd Chapter of Acts in 1985. The album showcases the group’s signature harmonies and heartfelt lyrics, creating a captivating musical experience.

Personal Connection

Listening to this song, I am transported to moments in my life when I felt overwhelmed and uncertain. It serves as a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is hope and beauty to be found. The encouraging lyrics and soothing melody bring comfort and reassurance that I am not alone in my struggles.

Whether I’m listening to this song while working, playing a game, or watching a football match, it has the power to lift my spirits and provide a fresh perspective on life’s challenges. It teaches me to look beyond my circumstances and trust in the goodness of God.

In Conclusion

The song “Consider the Lilies” by 2nd Chapter of Acts holds a profound message of hope and resilience. Its lyrics remind us to shift our focus from our troubles and look to Jesus for strength and guidance. Just as the lilies bloom with faith and beauty, we too can find solace in knowing that our lives are a reflection of God’s love.

Let this song serve as a reminder that despite the hardships we face, there is always a glimmer of hope, and God’s presence is with us every step of the way.
