What is the Difference Between Verb and Predicate

Forming correct sentences in English can sometimes feel like a tricky task. It is necessary to make sure that each portion of the sentence is synchronized with each other and is clear in its execution. There are mainly two parts of a sentence including the subject and the predicate. The predicate contains a verb but the two are not the same, hence creating confusion.

Verb vs Predicate

The main difference between verb and predicate is that verb is a part of speech whereas predicate is not part of speech but rather a statement. Even though both verb and predicate are different, a predicate needs the existence of a verb to make sense in the sentence.

A verb is defined as a word that conveys an action, a mood, an occurrence, or a state of being for a subject in that particular sentence. A verb is one of the eight parts of speech. There are mainly four types of verbs including intransitive, transitive, linking, and passive.

A predicate is one of the two parts of the sentence that tells us what the subject is or what the subject does. Everything that is not the subject in a sentence is the predicate of it. There are three types of predicates including the simple, the compound, and the complete predicate.

Comparison Table Between Verb and Predicate

What is Verb?

A verb is a word or a combination of words that tells us about action or a state of being or condition. A verb is the part of a sentence that shows us the action, mood, being, etc., of the subject. In English, verbs are called the heart of sentences. Verbs are mainly of four types:

  • Intransitive Verb: This type of verb does not have an object. For example, “The girl is crying.”. In this sentence, ‘crying’ is the intransitive verb and the sentence formed is in active voice.
  • Transitive Verb: This type of verb is used with an object. For example, “We should love animals.”. In this sentence, ‘love’ is the transitive verb and the sentence is in active voice.
  • Linking Verb: This type of verb links the subject with its predicate. For example, ” My favorite chocolates are Bournville and Cadbury.” In this sentence, ‘are’ is the linking verb.
  • Passive Verb: This type of verbs is used in sentences that are in the passive voice of formation. For example, “The test was taken by the class.”. In this sentence, ‘was taken’ is the passive verb.

In the sentence structure, the verb follows the subject and is followed by the predicate. Hence, verbs connect subject and predicate to form a meaningful sentence.

What is Predicate?

A predicate is one of the two parts of the sentence that tells us what the subject is or what the subject does. In a sentence, everything except the subject is called the predicate. A predicate is not among the parts of speech. Predicates cannot exist in a sentence without a verb. Verbs connect the subject and the predicate of a sentence and hence, verbs give predicates the ability to meaningfully exist in the sentence. Predicates are mainly of three types:

  • Simple Predicate: This type of predicate is only the verb, not the modifiers that go with it. For example, “John was walking.”. In this sentence, ‘was walking’ is both the predicate and the verb.
  • Compound Predicate: This type of predicate is the joining of two verbs with conjunction following the same subject. For example, “John was running and jumping over the boxes.”. In this sentence, ‘was running’ and ‘jumping’ are the two verbs following the same subject.
  • Complete Predicate: This type of predicate contains the verb and all its modifiers. For example, ” John and his always race each other in the morning.”. In this sentence, ‘race’ is the verb and the predicate is complete.

The predicate is always synchronized with its subject, but it is independent of other parts of the sentence.

Main Differences Between Verb and Predicate

  • A verb is a word that signifies the action or state of being of the subject. On the other hand, a predicate is a word clause that modifies the subject.
  • The verb is independent of the predicate whereas the predicate needs the verb to exist in the sentence.
  • The verb comprises only one or two words in the sentence whereas the predicate includes everything except the subject of the sentence.
  • Verbs are one of the eight parts of speech whereas predicates are not a part of speech but rather a statement.
  • Some sentences can be formed without verbs but no sentence can be formed without the predicate.
  • Conclusion

    Formation of various sentences can be tricky sometimes especially prolonged ones that contain additional verbs, long predicates, adverbs, adjectives, etc. Hence, the confusion between various divisions of the sentence is common. Even though both verbs and predicates are different from each other, they are still interrelated. Verbs exist independently whereas the predicts need verbs in order to make sense. Predicts contain the verbs, but the two are not the same thing.

    Verbs are called the heart of English sentences and there are genuine reasons to say so. There are two parts of a sentence called the subject and the predicate. Both these parts need something to connect them together into a meaningful sentence. Verbs are the bridge between these two parts. Connecting a subject and a predicate with a suitable verb makes a meaningful sentence.

    A predicate on the other hand itself is a part of the sentence without which there is no sentence for the verbs to fit with. Hence, both verbs and predicates go hand in hand. Verbs connect the two parts of the sentence but they are also a part of the predicate. While in some short sentences, the verbs are themselves the predicate of that sentence.


  • https://www.jstor.org/stable/4178964
  • https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=QY_cBQAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PR9&dq=predicates&ots=UDU_fz72fm&sig=SxyRcOwAAkYBYbaB4jmKpvPT6aw
  • ncG1vNJzZmivp6x7u7PRZ6WerF%2Bau3DDx5qrZqGjZMSprdNmoKxlpJ2ybrDIn52eqpWjsKZ5wZ6rsJ2Vo3q3sdGbZJqmlGK9s7HDopqarJVk